Mia Combeau
In August 2021, I plunged into the pool of 42 Paris programming school. With the help of my fellow swimmers, I made it to the edge… Only to realize there is still a vast ocean of code to explore!
This website is my raft, a place to plan, organize and work through my journey into the sea of code. And if it can help keep another swimmer or two afloat, all the better.
So, what should we code?
Sockets and Network Programming in C
In this hyper-connected electronic world, knowing how to send and receive data remotely with sockets is crucial.
Read MoreCTF Walkthrough: Wonderland on TryHackMe
Wonderland is a freely-available capture the flag (CTF) challenge created by NinjaJc01 on TryHackMe.
Read MoreIPv4 Addresses, Routing and Subnet Masks
IPv4 addresses are the most common on the Internet. How can they uniquely identify every connected object?
Read MoreSending and Intercepting a Signal in C
Anyone who’s ever been confronted to segfaults and bus error will already be familiar with the idea of signals.
Read MoreThreads, Mutexes and Concurrent Programming in C
For efficiency or by necessity, a program can be concurrent rather than sequential.
Read MoreErrno and Error Management in C
Underlying any software development is program error detection and analysis. But then an external library function or system call fails, how can we understand what went wrong?
Read MorePipe: an Inter-Process Communication Method
By default, it is difficult to get two processes to communicate with each other.
Read MoreHandling a File by its Descriptor in C
The available system calls to create or open, read, write, and delete a file in C all make use of a file descriptor.
Read MoreCreating and Killing Child Processes in C
In order to execute another program within ours or to execute part of our program simultaneously, it can often be very useful to create child processes.
Read MoreWhy I No Longer Write Articles About 42 School Projects
Following a meeting with 42 school’s pedagogical team, I decided to remove all articles directly related to 42 projects.
Read MoreThe Internet's Layered Network Architecture
We all know the Internet. It’s the network that enables data transfer on a global scale.
Read MoreColoring Terminal Text: tput and ANSI Escape Sequences
A terminal with black-on-white text or vice versa is not very interesting or attractive or informative.
Read MoreHow to Prepare for the 42 Piscine
One year ago to the day, I crossed the threshold of 42 school in Paris for the very first time.
Read MoreThe Difference Between a Terminal, a Console and a Shell
Diving deeper into the computer science world, we often come across the terms “terminal”, “console” and “shell”, which seem to be used more or less interchangeably.
Read MoreWhy a Blog is a Great Developer Tool
Every developer’s virtual toolbox should contain at least a text editor, a GitHub account and a blog.
Read MoreLocal, Global and Static Variables in C
A variable is a name we give to a memory storage area that our program can then manipulate.
Read MoreBinary 010: The Uses of Bit Shifting and Bitwise Operations
Computers only know one language: binary. Our many programming languages allow us to give instructions in a human-readable format, which are then translated into long sequences of 0s and 1s.
Read MoreBinary 001: Counting and Calculating Like a Computer
As we all know, a computer only knows two things: 1s and 0s.
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Read MoreMalloc: Allocating Memory in C
In compiled programming languages ​​like C, it is often useful, or even necessary, to allocate memory dynamically on the heap, in order to accommodate variables of larger or uncertain size.
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