Sockets and Network Programming in C

In this hyper-connected electronic world, knowing how to send and receive data remotely with sockets is crucial.

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Sending and Intercepting a Signal in C

Anyone who’s ever been confronted to segfaults and bus error will already be familiar with the idea of signals.

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Threads, Mutexes and Concurrent Programming in C

For efficiency or by necessity, a program can be concurrent rather than sequential.

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Errno and Error Management in C

Underlying any software development is program error detection and analysis. But then an external library function or system call fails, how can we understand what went wrong?

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Pipe: an Inter-Process Communication Method

By default, it is difficult to get two processes to communicate with each other.

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Handling a File by its Descriptor in C

The available system calls to create or open, read, write, and delete a file in C all make use of a file descriptor.

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Creating and Killing Child Processes in C

In order to execute another program within ours or to execute part of our program simultaneously, it can often be very useful to create child processes.

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Local, Global and Static Variables in C

A variable is a name we give to a memory storage area that our program can then manipulate.

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Malloc: Allocating Memory in C

In compiled programming languages ​​like C, it is often useful, or even necessary, to allocate memory dynamically on the heap, in order to accommodate variables of larger or uncertain size.

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