How to Prepare for the 42 Piscine

One year ago to the day, I crossed the threshold of 42 school in Paris for the very first time.

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The Difference Between a Terminal, a Console and a Shell

Diving deeper into the computer science world, we often come across the terms “terminal”, “console” and “shell”, which seem to be used more or less interchangeably.

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Why a Blog is a Great Developer Tool

Every developer’s virtual toolbox should contain at least a text editor, a GitHub account and a blog.

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Local, Global and Static Variables in C

A variable is a name we give to a memory storage area that our program can then manipulate.

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Binary 010: The Uses of Bit Shifting and Bitwise Operations

Computers only know one language: binary. Our many programming languages allow us to give instructions in a human-readable format, which are then translated into long sequences of 0s and 1s.

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